Il Progetto

Programma Erasmus+
Azione KA1 - School education staff mobility

Scheda sintetica del Progetto

Codice Attivita’:
Nota autorizzativa dell’Agenzia Nazionale Erasmus+ Indire
N. 13452/2018 del 23-05-2018
Contributo autorizzato:
€ 36304,00
Titolo progetto:
Docenti in FormAzione per Europa 2020
Inizio progetto:
Fine progetto:


Formazione linguistica: formazione in LS-inglese, finalizzata all'acquisizione  di competenza linguistica di livello B1/B2
4 docenti (tutte le discipline)
Luglio-Agosto  2018

5 gg (corso)+2 gg (viaggio a/r)
Viaggio a/r :
€ 275.00

€ 784.00

Contributo corso:
€ 70 al giorno  
Formazione didattico-metodologica  su pratiche inclusive volta promuovere una didattica creativa, adattiva, flessibile e mediata.

8 docenti (tutte le discipline)

Agosto-Settembre 2018

5 gg (corso)+2 gg (viaggio a/r)
Viaggio a/r :
€ 275.00

€ 686.00

Contributo corso:
€ 70 al giorno  

Formazione digitale per accogliere le sfide del “mobile learning” e permettere agli studenti di sperimentare le nuove tecnologie digitali in un clima didattico cooperativo e di proprietà intellettuale “open source”
4 docenti (tutte le discipline)
Maggio-Giugno 2019

6 gg (corso)+2 gg (viaggio a/r)
Viaggio a/r :
€ 360.00

€ 1008.00

Contributo corso:
€ 70 al giorno  

Formazione CLIL
 formazione sulla metodologia CLIL, al fine di  avviare in modo sistematico l’insegnamento di una disciplina non linguistica in lingua inglese (DNL)
4 docenti di Discipline non Linguistiche (DNL), preferibilmente di classi terminali

Londra- Itc-international-training center
Agosto-Settembre 2019

5 gg (corso)+2 gg (viaggio a/r)
Viaggio a/r


Contributo corso:
€ 70 al giorno  

Docenti in ForMAzione per Europa 2020

Start: 02-07-2018 - End: 01-07-2020

Project Reference: 2018-1-IT02-KA101-047058

EU Grant: 36304 EUR

Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals
Action Type: School education staff mobility

Istituto di Istruzione Superiore A. Righi is a State Upper Secondary School located in Taranto. It hosts 1500 pupils and provides three different types of curricula: Lyceum, Industrial Technical Institute and CPIA courses for adult education and training. Our school operates is in a disadvantaged social context and copes with the emergency of Early school leaving, especially in the transition from the first to the second class. Hence the need to contrast the drop-out phenomenon by adopting inclusive didactic strategies able to pull down those barriers that may prevent our students from reaching their potential as human beings and active members of society. In order for this to happen, we need as teachers to be more flexible and also get continually in the game by adapting the way of teaching to the growing and ever-diversified educational needs of our students, with particular reference to those at risk of exclusion. Considering this, our project Erasmus + KA1 School Staff Mobility is meant to improve the teaching quality through the attendance at in service- training courses in the european perspective of lifelong learning. Taking into account the needs arisen from an online survey conducted among the school teachers, this project in particular aims at

-strengthening the European dimension of our school by improving the English communicative competences of our staff in order to establish contacts with European partners in an "Exchange of Best Practices" perspective for developing innovative and stimulating projects, discouraging, therefore, school leaving expecially during the biennium;

-implementing Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) by supporting our non-language subject teachers to acquire methodological skills referring to this approach in order to carry out the Gelmini school reform, according to which students, in their last year of upper secondary school, must have a subject taught in a foreign language, thus widening our students’ job opportunities in an global perspective;

- promoting inclusive, creative and innovative methodologies to contrast school drop-out through laboratory and cooperative learning, which also exploits the inclusive potential offered by new technologies, which are proved to be valid and effective in promoting, on one side, pupil learning and, on the other, their emotional-motivational well-being at school, thus reducing the motivational damage suffered by students who, in the course of their school experience, elaborate the "stigma" of failure;

-fostering the use of ICT in the teaching and learning process for promoting equity in educational opportunities by adjusting the teaching content and pace to the particular requirements of individual learners (student-centred approach) in a cooperative educational climate and open source intellectual property in a space, the school one, which abandons the traditional model of ex-cathedra teaching and becomes a place for socialization and "learning by doing".

On the basis of above-mentioned aims, the following training paths have been identified:

-English Language Training Courses, which will involve 4 teachers for achievement of levels B1/B2 in English;

- Training Courses on Clil approach, which will involve 4 teachers of non-linguistic subjects that had previously achieved levels B1 and B2 in English ;

- Training Courses Inclusive Methodologies, which will involve 8 teachers(all subjects);

-ITC Training Courses, which will involve 4 teachers(all subjects);

The Erasmus+ training project will start in July 2018 and the participants’ selection will be made by means of an announcement of selection. This experience will be not only a significant opportunity for individual professional growth, but also and above all an opportunity for the collective growth as the training experiences will be a driving force for improving the educational offer of our institute in an intercultural, inclusive and innovative perspective.
In particular, the selected participants will have to share the skills and competences acquired with the school institution (students, personnel, territory) by writing detailed reports about the activities carried out, transferring what they have learnt to their colleagues, planning and sharing materials, monitoring and evaluating the outcomes of their training in the teaching approach. In addition to this, the participants will be part of the working team on international projects, supporting the initiatives in action and the future ones. This team will keep the contacts with foreign partners and local schools to plan virtual and real partnership activities and will be an added value for the territory.
The dissemination activities, which represent a central point of this project, will aim at increasing the awareness of the opportunities offered by the European Programme and will underline the added value of all experiences realized thanks to the Erasmus.


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